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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog awards that make me smile...

...And scratch my head.

I'm still new to this blogosphere stuff... But in one week, I've been graciously offered two different blog awards by fun and fabulous fellow bloggers. While I have no idea what they mean or why I was given them, I find them highly entertaining. Plus, they've managed to lift this cold-medicine-induced zombie's spirits. 

Since I don't have the brain power at the moment to do anything other than thank them both, that's what I intend on doing! 

To the amazing Anita, thank you so much for the Artsy-Fartsy Blogger Award yesterday.

It was quite a surprise, but very much appreciated. Like I said before, I've been sick and it was lovely to feel like what I do made someone else smile. So, thank you!

Then this morning, I come to find out that Sophie-The-Sweet also gave me an award

Though I don't think either of us know what it means, it was cute and I also wanted to tell her thanks! 

Both of these fine women are worthy of checking out their blogs and getting to know. They have a wealth of knowledge and I enjoy their takes on things. 

With this Versatile Blogger thingy, you're supposed to list 7 random things... Since I sorta did that already, I'm just going to point you to my other post. (Partially out of laziness and partially out of DayQuiliness.) 

But then there are other rules... something about needing to pass the torch and all that. While I agree that it's awesome to show respect and love to our fellow bloggers, I want you to know this: I get that time's limited. Don't follow the rules just because they're the rules. Rules are meant to be broken. 

That said... 

I'm still gonna nominate 5 amazing bloggers and people I've had the privilege of meeting these past few months... They are working on amazing things (or have amazing things ready for you to discover)... 

Go check these fine people out!


Genevieve Jack said...


KendallGrey said...

Carissa, congrats on your two blog awards! That's awesome. And thanks for the blog plug. I'm humbled and honored. So glad we "met". I look forward to buying your book soon. Hurry up and finish! Don't you have a deadline??? ;-)

Precy Larkins said...

Thank you! I'm so flattered, and honored, and really tickled you've thought of me. ;)

Congrats on blog awards. You deserve them (I just finished reading your Playing TAG post. I'm still baffled how I missed it. My brain must have been zombified that day.) You are so creative and talented. ;)

Carissa Andrews said...

You all deserve it! I enjoy each and every one of your blogs.

@Genevieve - I'm more than halfway through The Soulkeepers and I love it! I have to ask... have you studied Reiki at all? The Medicine Woman's techniques reminded me so much of the practice.

@Kendall - I'm so glad we met, too! You rock! (And yeah... yeah... deadline... I'm working on that! Just after my brain un-fogs!)

@Cheri- Thanks! You're amazing, too!

Anonymous said...

*looks around* Who me? Sweet?

Why thank you! :)

Its well deserved! Enjoy!

LisaAnn said...

Hi Carissa! Found your blog via Anita's awards, and I can definitely see why you won "Most Artistic Blog!" Can't wait to explore your site some more! :)

James Garcia Jr said...

Hi, Carissa. Congrats on the awards. I hope you feel better.
I've been doing this blogging thing for over a year, but many times still feel like a newbie myself. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Take it easy.


Anita Grace Howard said...

I'm so glad you liked your award. You certainly deserved both of them! :) And what they mean is just what they say, Your blog is artistic and versatile! :) Have a great night, and feel better soon.

Anita Grace Howard said...

Oh, and congrats to all of the new winners!

*waves to Sophie and Lisa*

Carissa Andrews said...

Sophie, Lisa, James and Anita~

Thanks for your comments! You guys are awesome.

Marybk said...

Hi, Carissa! Just linked over from Anita's post to check out your Artistic blog. Congrats on the award!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit late with a response to my mention, but wowie! Thanks for the honorable mention! It's been a long time since I've been writing to finally have my name on someone else's blog for once...but of course, I'm being facetious... You have an awesome blog and I look forward to every post you have! The spotlight on you is well-deserved! Good work!

Carissa Andrews said...

It's not an honorable mention, silly! I'm passing the award on to YOU! ;)